The day is not even half over, but we have had a really good morning with very little complaining, and that is rare, so I want to record it so I can remember the successes, however small they may be. It is easy to forget they exist when they only happen every so often, and often when they do, something else happens soon after, like the baby dumps an entire bag of flour and a bag of sugar, and mixes it all with shortening on my kitchen floor (true story). Then I forget that we had a great morning because all I can see is the mess on the floor. So I am hurrying to post this before anything like that happens! haha.
It started with getting a full nights sleep last night, woohoo! That almost never happens. I only wish I had listened to that little voice that told me to go to bed early instead of staying up late reading 's blog. That is a great site, way too addicting. But anyway. It really helps to get some sleep. I woke up before the kids, another rare event, and got some quiet scripture reading time in before they came and jumped in my bed. They were cheerful and sweet and just sat and talked to me for a little while. We had a pretty peaceful breakfast, with no fighting over who sits where or who stole whose toast - amazing.
We went downstairs to do some exercise and the kids put on a CD I got from the field trip we went on last week to see Tanner Dance company perform 'Scientia,' a wonderful creative dance show based on principles of science. It was a great show performed by talented children, and I was especially excited because my boys thought it was 'so cool.' Dance is my passion and I am glad to seem them enthusiastic about it too. We spent about a half hour just dancing around to the music and having a great time together. Totally fun. Nobody ran into anyone else, and there was only a brief disagreement about which songs to put on. Again, amazing.
We did our usual pledge of allegiance, family cheer and family motto. We sang a song they learned in church primary, called My Eternal Family, which has kind of a catchy beat, like a marching song, so they got into it. They made up actions and marched around singing 'I am a builder, working each day to build my family, and I will do the best I can to serve them lovingly...' good song. We had our family prayer, and my oldest, who loves to play teacher, shared a section of his Kid's almanac (a fun book we picked up at the library called Pick me Up, stuff you need to know). He taught us all about the origin of bread (apparently the ancient Sumerians invented it) how grain is harvested, and how sandwiches were invented by the Earl of Sandwich. I told him he can take a little time after each devotional and share something on a subject of his choice. He likes it and generally the kids do too, as long as he keeps it short and sweet.
Everyone is doing their own things now, math, drawing, writing, etc. My 4 yr old just asked me to tell him some numbers (he wants to do math), and my toddler just brought me a book to read to her. I am always glad when they are coming to me wanting to know and learn and do things, rather than me trying to coax them along. It can get overwhelming at times when everyone wants my attention at once, but so far there is peace on the homefront and that is something worthy of note! Signing off - wish me luck that the day continues so well!
Has your light burned out?
2 years ago