I finally found my blog again! I have missed blogging, although with a new baby I don't know how often I will post.
I feel like somewhat of a different person since last time I blogged, even though it was only a little over a year ago. Since then, I have had a baby (finally another female in the house besides me! So exciting!), been involved in a homeschool boys club, been on a pioneer trek, learned to garden, applied for college classes at George Wythe College (haven't gone yet - 'nother story), done some sewing (baby girls induce the desire to sew pretty things!), been camping and travelling in the National Parks, experienced most of my friends moving away (thank goodness for the internet!), and enrolled in a course on the Art of Womanhood www.artofwomanhood.org
Now, if that wasn't the longest run on sentence ever! I am famous for them. I just have way too much to say! Anyway, I'm back and hoping to be better than ever! (my eternal hope)
Has your light burned out?
2 years ago
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