Thursday, May 18, 2006

Welcome to Educating Mommy

This being my first post here, I thought I would write a little about what inspires this blog. My mission is two fold: to chronicle the daily education I am receiving both through family life and trying to educate myself, and to share some of the experiences our family has had as we attempt to home educate our children and help them find their missions in life. I will also include various random musings on life and parenting and a few of the funny and sweet moments that make Mommyhood so rewarding. While I write for myself, to remember the moments I don't want to forget, I also hope that my blog will provide something valuable to my readers, especially those who are homeschooling and need encouragement, buthopefully to all parents. Even if you just laugh at my blunders. :) I'm looking forward to this blog.

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