Wednesday, August 01, 2007

What makes me happy

I am reading a wonderful book called 'The Frightful and Joyous Journey of Family Life' by Wallace Goddard. I will tell you more about it when I am finished with it. In the last chapter I read, he gave a suggestion to write down everything you can think of that makes you happy. That sounds simple but it took some thought for me, as I haven't considered that much lately. It is easy to just get in a rut and do whatever I usually do, but I think this list will help me choose to do things that make me happy more often. So here goes:

What makes me happy?

Doing anything with my husband
Being part of something important
Spending time with good friends
Playing with the kids
Being outside, going for walks
Going for bike rides
Good music
Good books
Making something beautiful, being artistic
Cheesecake, or any kind of pie
Gardening, even the weeding
Flowers - fresh cut, wild, growing in my garden, silk, any kind!
Playing my flute
Quiet moments
Watching the sun rise or set
Praying, especially in gratitude
Christmas caroling
Sitting on the porch swing with my husband and/or kids
Watching funny or romantic movies
Getting dressed up or dressing up my baby girl
Sincere gratitude or compliments from others
Being able to help someone
Getting letters or packages
Hugs and Kisses from my kids
Hugs, kisses, and more from my husband
Having people trust me and come to me for advice
Seeing new places, travelling
Doing projects as a family
Making progress that I can see
That Newborn baby smell
Anticipation of good things to come
Feeling pretty
The color Purple in any variation
My husband's laugh
Yummy smells, like Vanilla and Jasmine
Watching my kids learn and grow
A clean, pretty house
The feeling when I have finished organizing a closet or shelf
Doing embroidery
When my kids are loving to eachother
When my kids are obedient and kind
Scrapbooking and taking pictures of my family
Having friends or relatives over
Going to the Temple
Baby laughs, dimples, and smiles
Learning new things
Going to concerts and plays
Family traditions
Bubble Baths

more later....

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